New Rice 新米

After threshing, the rice was taken to the nearby “rice center” for more drying and hulling. Then, the rice came back to us as brown rice. We took a bag of rice to a rice polisher for polishing the rice, and then, finally, we cooked and ate the rice for the first time! 脱穀後、お米は近くのライスセンターに運び、乾燥と籾摺りをしてもらいます。籾摺りの終わったお米は玄米の状態で戻ってきます。それを精米機で精米して、昨日の夜ついに食べてみました! It […]

Threshing rice 脱穀

After drying the rice under the sun for about two weeks, Dave finally threshed the rice! 刈り取った稲を2週間ほど天日干しした後、ついに脱穀作業をしました!(Daveが) Dave started threshing the rice on Friday, but the machine suddenly stopped working after a few hours, and he couldn’t finish it. 金曜日に脱穀作業を始めましたが、この機械(ハーベスター)が途中で動かなくなり、作業を中断せざるを得ず。 The next day, Dave’s mini-me joined his daddy! 次の日、息子が参加。 Our son is only 10 years […]

Rice harvest 稲刈り

We harvested rice yesterday! 昨日、稲刈りをしました! First, set up the rice-drying rack. Hanging the rice on this rack to dry the grain is the traditional method. Most people don’t do it anymore; they use a combine harvester to reap and thresh at the same time. But drying the grain under the sun makes the rice taste […]

Getting ready for the rice harvest 稲刈り準備

This is our rice paddy. It is looking good! 我が家の田んぼ。いい感じです。 Dave spent several hours fixing the binder earlier today, and now he is cutting some rice to be ready for the rice harvest tomorrow. バインダーの調子が悪かったので、朝から何時間かかけてやっと直し、明日の稲刈りに備えて一部を刈り取っています。 Looks like it works with no problem! 問題なく刈り取れるよう。よかったー。 Our son brought this home from school the other day. Cute and […]